König & Meyer

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For more than 70 years, König & Meyer have made it a mission to provide musicians around the world with products that feature innovative design, functionality and durability. In other words: Music is what we stand for.

The product range includes music stands, microphone and instrument stands, speaker stands, drum thrones, stools and benches as well as accessories for lighting, sound and studio equipment. König & Meyer are open to the latest trends and the way music will be made in the future. Products for the multimedia segment are as much a part of the portfolio as products that set standards decades ago and have established themselves as true classics.

From Wertheim to the world is the philosophy: According to the quality standards, almost all metal and plastic parts of the products are manufactured in-house. Thet do understand Made in Germany production to be more than just innovative spirit and quality products, but also the training, education and fair pay of the skilled workers and the use of efficient and resource-saving technologies. König & Meyer believe that they are also economically successful if they protect the environment of future generations and offer people secure jobs. König & Meyer have already received several awards for these efforts.

So, König & Meyer don’t just stand for music. König & Meyer stand for sustainable production. For secure jobs. For reliable products. For innovative ideas. And for products that people enjoy using.

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